Bucas Irish Stable Rug

The Bucas Irish Stable rug is the perfect purchase for horse owners who are looking for a quality, comfortable rug that’s great value, which is why it’s the choice of champions, such as Mary King and Charlotte Dujardin.

In a choice of two weights – Light (50g) and Extra (300g) - the Bucas Irish Stable rug is classically styled, with shoulder darts to allow extra room for movement and provide a perfect fit. This stylish rug is made from a rip-stop outer fabric that’s tough, durable and made to last, so you can have peace of mind that your horse will be well protected all through the colder months.

A breathable nylon lining with thermo-bonded polyester insulation will ensure your horse stays dry and comfortable, and cross surcingles and a stainless steel hook fastening with additional Velcro single front strap will keep the rug firmly in place.

With its stylish design and technological materials, the Bucas Irish Stable Rug may be part of the company’s budget range, but promises all the same quality, comfort and style that you’d expect from a Bucas product.

The Bucas Irish Stable Light rug comes in navy/silver in sizes 5’-7’. RRP: £67

The Bucas Irish Stable Extra rug is available in navy/silver in sizes 3’6”-7’. RRP: £78
